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Mediterranean Community of Practice (MedCoP)

Co-design sessions

Co-design is a specific instance of the broader concept of co-creation and refers to the creativity of designers (NATMed 5 case study leaders) and people not trained in design (MedCoP members) working together in the design development process (the FWC-NbS of the 5 case study areas). A key principle of co-design is that users, as 'experts' of their own experience, become co-designers within a project (FWC-NbS of the NATMed project).

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NATMed’s replication strategy

NATMed’s replication strategy will ensure and enhance the impact of the project results by defining the activities to be carried out (what, how and by whom) in order to ensure their effective replication by feedback mechanisms contributed from other work packages, tasks and implementation processes both during and after the lifetime of the project. The Replication Strategy contains:

  • the analysis of Nature-based Solutions related to water management

  • the identification of the stakeholders, barriers and the main water management challenges, and

  • Nature-based Solutions catalogue

The stakeholders and local communities and MedCoP will be engaged in order to collect and interpret data in this process.

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NATMed Prima Project Roll up is here!