Nature-based Solutions on existing infrastructures for resilient Water Management in the Mediterranean

Laboratorio vivo de Carrión de los Céspedes, España

FWC-NbS 1: Tratamiento y almacenamiento de aguas residuales (Type A + B)

Localización:  Carrión de los Céspedes, Sevilla (España)

Clima: Mediterráneo típico (verano cálido)

Superficie: 4.1 Ha

Objetivos: Mejorar la reutilización de las aguas residuales para el riego y la cantidad y calidad del agua depurada almacenada.

Retos: Sequías y escasez de agua; calidad del agua almacenada; contaminación del agua y escorrentías; contaminación difusa de acuíferos por fertilizantes; evaporación; impactos del CC; digitalización del agua.

Descripción: El Centro Experimental es un laboratorio vivo para la co-creación, experimentación y evaluación de productos innovadores del agua, el tratamiento de aguas residuales y el sector de la economía circular. También funciona como planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales para el municipio. El Centro cuenta con numerosas SbN para el tratamiento de aguas residuales (humedales artificiales, filtros de turba, arena y verdes, estanques de algas de alta tasa y barreras reactivas permeables), suficientemente representativas para escalar los resultados a escala real. La inversión es principalmente pública.

  • Agricultura: Cultivos de regadío (girasol, olivar y almendros) y de secano (girasol y olivar).
  • Comunidades: Población rural y actividades económicas vinculadas a la agricultura y al sector servicios. Oportunidades de empleo y actividades de formación en el Centro, en estrecha colaboración con el gobierno local.
  • Políticas del agua: Directiva 91/271/CEE.
  • Datos: Existen datos actualizados del funcionamiento y rendimiento de los CW.


Constructed Wetland​

A comparative assessment and optimization among different seven types of Constructed Wetland combination will be pursued at real pilot scale. It will be evaluated the performance removal both for physic-chemical and microbiological species for reclamation and irrigation reuse, according to the water discharge and reuse regulatory framework.
CWs will be fed with the outlet of an already existing Imhoff Tank, previously pre-treated by an existing pre-treatment (screening and aerated grit and grease removal chamber) with the exception of one CW that will fed with the pre-treated wastewater.

Floating Garden​

A floating garden system will be developed to be used as a shading system to reduce the evaporation rate from water storage infrastructures, in this case, irrigation tanks.
The objective is to reduce evaporation rates while providing a range of other biodiversity benefits, such as providing habitats for aquatic and terrestrial species, or acting as connecting corridors between habitats.
In order to be functional, this system has to meet a number of requirements, which are detailed below:

  • Plant species must be: non-invasive, with low water requirements, autochthonous and with asexual reproduction
  • No contact of plant roots with stored water
  • Self-sufficiency: capacity to store rainwater to avoid dependence on irrigation
  • Easy maintenance: avoid the clogging of the water channels with the plant debris
  • Modular
  • Scalable

Ultrasounds emissions

The equipment of ultrasound emissions will be implemented in an experimental reservoir tank for water reuse irrigation located in the Experimental Center of Carrión de los Céspedes.
The wastewater treated by CWS will be derived from the collection chamber to the central tank in the image, which will function as a buffer tank to distribute the water to two experimental tanks, one of them intended for experimentation with ultrasound for the reduction of microalgae and E. coli removal for reuse in agricultural irrigation.