Nature-based Solutions on existing infrastructures for resilient Water Management in the Mediterranean

1st MedCoP meeting, Oued Righ channel, Algeria, 20 June 2023 – Case study 5

On 20th of June 2023, our partner CRSTRA organized at the experimental station in Touggourt (Wadi Righ) the 1st MedCoP meeting for the members of the NATMed project.

The local stakeholders that participated at the meeting had the opportunity not only to go around the project implementation site but also to visit the ONA station to examine means of collaboration and the canal near the site to see the problems to be resolved up close.

The participants also examined the different work packages to share the work between the members of the project, discussed the different contacts to be established with socio-economic partners and local associations and examined the deadlines and the quantity of work to be submitted on time.